
Business leaders around the globe are asking themselves, how will 2021 be different? What are the opportunities? What threats may emerge? Critically, how can we apply lessons learned in 2020 to become stronger and more effective? 

The pandemic was unexpected but our company’s reaction to it was not. If anything, it solidified our posture of preparedness. If there is one lesson we take forward, it is the lesson of being alert and agile.  

NetCentrics demonstrated agility last year adopting a new, remote workforce reality in light of the pandemic. We undertook extremely complicated and important work protecting our customers and their end users – the American public – from harm. Data is the lifeblood of the modern world. We defend data across diverse operational theatres. Now, this includes new demands caused by government leaders, military professionals, and private citizens working from home. 

We expect continued evolution and growth in 2021. We are actively laying the groundwork to address known, and unknown, challenges ahead. In 2020 we leveraged our company’s longstanding expertise, and then broadened it with investment in people with “next gen” skills. This will continue in 2021. As I recently told CIO Review, we’re preparing for a future dominated by transformative technology. Artificial intelligence is just one example, and one that has tremendous security implications. Our stance has been, and will continue to be, one of forward anticipation and preparation. 

2020 was also notable for NetCentrics because we expanded our footprint in private industry. This sped up as more companies realize the necessity of cybersecurity throughout their software supply chains. The Solarwinds hack didn’t just affect government agencies, departments, and the armed forces. No, this sophisticated attack is just a preview of what’s to come. Specifically, it reveals how attack surfaces are closely interconnected. In 2020 private industry came to understand they are a juicy target. In 2021, private industry will take greater action to reinforce their layers of protection. They know that  successful breach means faster profit for those with ill-intent, and devastating implications for shareholder value. 

Private industry is swiftly moving to modernize their ITFrom the risk of ransomware buckling the healthcare industry, to security gaps in the telecommunications that drive logistics, all businesses need cybersecurity expertise. 2020 reminded us to expect the unexpected. 2021 is going to be about risk mitigation in new frontiers. This year dawns a new reality of how we work and how we protect ourselves.   

I’m optimistic that 2021 will bring new challenges. In fact, I welcome this. Challenge strengthens us and makes us more resilient. As a company, we enjoy a proven track record. However, we don’t rest on this record. We pioneered brand new solutions at our founding, and we continue to push forward and anticipate emerging threats today. Our reputation is built one day at a time on the only thing that is ever constant: change. Welcome, 2021!